Friday 11 May 2007

My Mind...

Here we start off with my first ever blog... I named it "Mon Phren" - Greek for "My Mind". And the blog is in fact as vacant as my mind feels right now.

Don't ask me why I named the blog in Greek. The idea just fascinated me. It sometimes amazes me how I can get hooked onto apparently meaning less ideas. I can almost imagine my mind as a continuously flowing river, and the ideas as just random flotsam. For one thing, its one chaotic river with a lot of flotsam. And these ideas that I get hooked onto are like the some of the flotsam getting stuck on a sandbar. Another meaningless idea that I thought I should express... See what I mean???

Maybe what my friend said is valid - naming the blog in Greek would be an advantage for the readers - it would be much easier understand, compared to the content. You should all be thanking her. That way, when she happens to see this post, she won't sue me for plagiarizing her joke!!

There's a reason why I chose this auspicious day to start torturing all you innocent people with my thoughts. I always wanted to start a blog. But I never really had the motivation to do it. Nor did I think I had the energy. It was just one of my many idle thoughts...

Then my friend started one(Voice of Silence: Silence of Voice). Quite a while back in fact. And its pretty good, though I criticized his blogs a little today.. It eventually led to him saying that he was a step ahead of me, because he at least had a blog! Well.. lets just say I found the required motivation at that moment. And here's my blog.. So in a way, this article is kind of dedicated to him.. ;) and if you have to curse anyone, please visit his blog and post comments there. :D

As for me.. I started off saying my mind was feeling quite vacant. Unfortunately, its no longer in that blissful state and there is a chaos of thoughts raging through them (like that river cluttered with flotsam). It might be a progress, compared to absolute nothingness, but its not any helpful either. So rather than express that chaos (out of pity for my readers, and the fact that I'm feeling hungry), I'm choosing to end this post. Hopefully "Mon Phren" would be in a more helpful state for my next post.


Voice of Silence: Silence of Voice said...

nice..nice.... so something does motivate you at the end of the day... (hee hee)...
may chaos reign....MY FRIEND

KR said...

rest assured- i WONT sue u :)

Ani... said...

Well.. maybe a thanks may have gone in place, for advertising your blog.. :P Not to mention the dedication..

And.. you'll be surprised to know what all motivates me (I am.. :D :D)

Thanks.. I'm awfully relieved. :D :D