Monday 16 June 2008

Writing... and WRITING...

It has been almost half a year since I put my proverbial pen to paper. As a result the blog has suffered stagnation. I finally decided to rouse myself up (with the help of a few friends who kept prodding me regarding why I stopped writing here). This time I am quite literally putting the pen to paper, that too in a beautiful environment. And it is some experience!

I don't remember when the last time was, that I wrote something sizeable using a pen and paper - definitely not after college. The only time I use pen and paper now a day is to take down a few telegraphic notes during meetings at work. Otherwise, it’s the keyboard and the computer with its ever-blinking cursor.

My handwriting has definitely atrophied with the extended period of disuse. It looks pitiable, (and for those who know my hand) even more so than what it was to begin with. The speed at which I write is quite ludicrous. I remember that in 5th grade, when my teacher would dictate notes for us to write, all the students used to have a race as to who would finish first. I believe any of those 5th grade kids can beat me now.

Despite all this, I loved the feeling of writing with the pen. Some of you may wonder what the simple act of writing a few words may be loved for. For one – you think before you write when using a paper. In a computer, you just type things as they come to your mind and then edit them to suit your purpose. But there is pleasure in the framing of thought – letting it take shape, grow and settle in the mind – before you let them out. It is an intellectual foreplay without which writing is nothing but a routine.

And then looking at my own manuscript despite its inherent illegibility, struck out words and corrections is a treat to the eye and the mind as compared to a white screen with uniform black letters which are all perfect and flawless. No matter how crooked and illegible my handwriting may be, I still find it more beautiful than the typed text.

To top it all off, the location I chose to try my penmanship was perfect. I got out of my house early and came over to the lake near my house. I am sitting on a bench, facing the lake and the strong cool breeze flowing from it and writing my mind out. The experience is totally, undeniably serene.

PS: This was written in paper and then typed out for the blog.


Anonymous said... should scan the 'written' document and post it as a picture so your 'experience(s)' are expressed or are in sync with the content....

no reason why anyone (who reads your blog) wouldn't want to take the pain of going through your 'illegibility'.. OR

even better- attach it and have the typed text to supplement the blind people... or those who WILL get blind after reading! :D

Anonymous said...

Ha ha!! Is it just me, or is this esp thing getting a little too out of hand?? i was just thinking of the exact same thing you just wrote in your blog!! freaky!!


Ani... said...

@nameless bum: I know.. only thing, I don't have a scanner in the vicinity. And as you may have noticed, I'm lazy and don't want to go to a cyber cafe and do it. :D and next time, log in and then comment.. :P

@P: hmm... It may be more to do with "us" than "u".. :P I'm not freaked out anymore.. :D :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Anirudh,

I am Rajesh from SiliconIndia. I am also an avid blogger for a while now and participating actively in Indian blogosphere. I read your blog posting and found them very interesting and informative. We would love to see a copy of your blogs posted here, whenever you are posting it on Here are some of the benefits of posting your blogs here:

We have a strong community of 500,000 Indian professionals
Best blogs of 2008 to be published in a book "SiliconIndia bLoG PrinT"
Best blog to be printed in SliconIndia & SmartTechie magazines each month
Chance to be featured on homepage everyday

We appreciate your community initiative here and in helping build a more powerful India! Also, if you have any ideas or want to volunteer to help for SiliconIndia, we would be more than excited to get your help. Pls mail me back at with your suggestions and feedback.

Blog Editor- SiliconIndia

Malesh Ponnusamy said...

@ ANI : Cent percent agree with your post! And with anon comment - you should have gone the extra mile of scanning the stuff in ;-)
Rediscover the joy of writing!

Anonymous said...

very useful post. I would love to follow you on twitter.

Anonymous said...

my God, i thought you were going to chip in with some decisive insght at the end there, not leave it with ‘we leave it to you to decide’.